Multi-Purpose Iron Made Cutlery/Vase Decor Stand


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Multipurpose Iron CutleryVase Decor Stand 1
Multi-Purpose Iron Made Cutlery/Vase Decor Stand

Are you searching extensively for something to decorate the top of the table? How about laying hands on this Iron Cutlery Decor Stand small vase for decoration? As you can witness, it is a multi-purpose decorative vase that is made up of high-quality iron and brass material to provide long-lasting life.

The creatively infused vase features a small basket for decorating the flowers in your home surroundings. Also, there is an iron-made ant-shaped driver at the front looking like driving this cycle cart. Lay hands on this tabletop decor item at a cost-effective price to bring an artistic ambiance around or gift someone really close to you.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 59 × 66.5 × 13 cm

Iron with Anti-Rust Powder Coating


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